, and many Sellers on, offer returns for most items within 30 days of receipt of delivery. You can use this page to learn about our return policies. Most items sold on follow our general return policies, but some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.
Note: We will issue a refund, for a product shipped by Amazon, within a maximum of 14 days and confirm it with an automated e-mail. In certain circumstances refund time frames may be longer. You can see the refund in your bank account or credit card statement, within a maximum of 7 business days after the refund is issued. In certain circumstances refund timeframes may be longer. For more information about our refund policies and how long it will take for you to receive your refund, go to Refunds or contact customer services.
At we want you to have a positive experience every time you shop with us. Occasionally though, we know you may want to return items and you have the right to cancel the purchase of most items within 14 days. You also have statutory rights where goods are not as described, not fit for purpose or not of satisfactory quality.